The Capitol, Civics, and You!: LIVE! Form

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Civics: The rights and duties of citizenship. Can a single building encapsulate all that civics signifies? Probably not, but the North Carolina state capitol comes close. It was the original seat of the state’s three branches of government and has been the site for community celebrations and conversations throughout the years. Watch this recording from October 2020, of Capitol Site Administrator Terra Schramm, NC State Historic Sites Director Michelle Lanier, and museum educator Sally Bloom as they explored the “People’s House,” discerning how civics are and have been made manifest in its walls, and beyond. Discover how Lillian Clement Exum, Abraham Galloway, Henry Owl, and others expanded participation in North Carolina government as we discuss how individuals effect change. Sponsored by Blue Cross and Blue Shield of North Carolina. To supplement this program, check out “The Three Branches of Government in North Carolina” and “How Does an IDEA Become a Law?” from the Spring 2020 Tar Heel Junior Historian Magazine. This lesson from the National Park Service on the North Carolina Capitol is also an excellent resource.

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