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Visitors with Disabilities

The North Carolina Museum of History welcomes visitors with disabilities. For questions or help in planning your visit, call 919-814-7000. Please check our Events page for scheduled programs that may have accessible components, such as audio description tours or touch/feel activities.

Pre-Visit Accessibility Guide

This Pre-Visit Accessibility Guide provides visitors with a look at what they can expect to see when they visit the North Carolina Museum of History. It includes information with pictures to assist in the experience. Download a printable PDF of the Pre-Visit Accessibility Guide here.

Programs and Tours

Persons who desire assistive services and special accommodations should call Kathy Gleditsch at 919-814-7041 or email her at Please allow at least four weeks' notice for services such as tours for visual impairments and American Sign Language.

If you are scheduling for a group with special needs, please contact Capital Area Visitor Services and inform them of any special needs your group may have. Contact Stephen Nicholson at 919-814-6951.

Parking and Arrival

A surface parking lot is located in the block east of the museum (enter at booths off Jones Street or Edenton Street) that includes accessible parking; note that hourly charges may apply during business hours on Mondays through Fridays, but these spaces are generally free on weekends, holidays, and after 5 p.m. Metered parking is available along Wilmington and Edenton Streets (these spaces are also free on weekends, holidays, and after 5 p.m.).

Drop-Off Entrances and Wheelchair Access

The best drop-off point for visitors is on Edenton Street near the crosswalk at the center of the block. This location provides quick and easy ramp access to the museum's main entrance, auditorium, Museum Shop, and lobby. A second accessible entrance is available from Jones Street (through the Fletcher Garden doors) and provides access to the classroom level and elevators to the lobby level. Both entrances have touch-activated door openers.

Courtesy wheelchairs for interior use are available free of charge through the information desk.

Bus Routes

Please consult Go Raleigh for the best transit options. The museum's R-Line stop is on Wilmington Street behind the museum.


Accessible restrooms are located on the lobby floor of the museum and on the classroom level.

Assisted Listening Devices

The museum provides assisted listening devices for programs in Daniels Auditorium. Ask the AV technician in the booth. Wheelchair-accessible spaces are located at the rear of the auditorium.

Service Dogs

Trained service dogs are welcome in the museum. 

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