Who is THJHA?
The Tar Heel Junior Historian Association is
- You and your students doing and learning about the history all around!
- A network of FREE history clubs across North Carolina
- With members in grades 4-12
- Clubs may be formed by public, independent, charter, or home schools, or by other organizations
- Clubs can be any size, from one student and one adviser to hundreds of students and several advisers.
What is THJHA’s History?
- Authorized by the North Carolina General Assembly in 1953, THJHA is a program of the North Carolina Museum of History.
- THJHA’s goal is to inspire and empower North Carolina students to discover local and state history—in an active, hands-on way.
How to participate with THJHA?
THJHA provides resources to help students learn and do history through
- Tar Heel Junior Historian, a twice-yearly magazine containing nonfiction articles about North Carolina history
- Annual Convention, which features workshops and performances designed for junior historians, and
- Annual statewide competitions with a variety of contest categories.
There’s history in every direction—start exploring today!
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