Post-Visit Survey Post-Visit Survey Indicates required field Did your group enjoy visiting the museum? How would you rate your visit? - Select -12345678910 How would you rate this educational opportunity for your group? - Select -12345678910 Did your group have ample time to conduct your visit? - None -YesNo While exploring the museum, do you believe we could have done anything better to ensure your group’s safety? Please record the average age of your group below. Please rate the experience you had booking your visit with CAVS online at - Select -12345678910 Please rate the efficiency of CAVS staff with scheduling your reservation. - Select -12345678910 Did you visit (the museum website) for information before your visit? - Select -YesNo What information on the museum website—general information, video tours, pre-visit materials, exhibit guides, gallery hunts—did you find most useful? Please rate the ease of finding and using bus parking. - Select -12345678910 Please rate the quality of the museum’s group orientation process upon arrival. - Select -12345678910 Please rate the friendliness of front desk staff. - Select -12345678910 Please rate the ease of finding exhibits and touring the museum. - Select -12345678910 Please rate the quality of your group’s interaction with any of the museum’s docents. - None -12345678910 How could we improve your future visit to the museum? Make any additional comments that you feel might be useful. If you entered any ratings of 4 or below on this survey or answered any question with a No, would you like to be contacted by a museum representative? - None -YesNo Contact Information First and Last Name Email Phone